Alexandra Llorens was born in France in 1991. She studied dance at the National Choreographic Center of Roubaix, at the University Lille 3, at the Folkwang University of the Arts in Essen, Theater at the Conservatory of Avignon and Visual arts at the Sorbonne (Fine arts) and at the Lycée F. Mistral of Avignon (Cinema) .

After her graduation at the Folkwang in 2015 she has performed in various
projects in Germany, France, Belgium and Israel with Meytal Blanaru, Fang Yun Lo, Samir Akika, Irene K. and Pascal Rambert.
From 2018 till 2022 she is a member of the “Unusual Symptoms” company (Theater Bremen) where she works with Hodworks, Nuria Guiu Sagarra, Mate Meszaros, Felix Rothenhäusler, Gintersdorfer/Klaßen, Helder Seabra and Faye Driscoll.

In 2020 she co-create the “Flying Cats Company” together with the composer musicien Nils O’Swald.Together they bring their artistic research in dance, music, performanceand visual art.Exploring the peculiarities and contradictions of their time in an associative way, they are looking for singular approaches in their creations.

In July 2023 the Flying Cats Company based its head office in Marseille and joined the young emerging artists pole of the association “Eclosion 13” from which they receive personal support in production, creation, diffusion and
communication and the support of the association “Les Têtes de l’Art”.
They are currently working on their new creation “Iseult et Tristan”.